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Camilla Miglio (P.I.)


Camilla Miglio is Full Professor of German Literature at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where she headed the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies from 2021 to 2024. She has previously taught at the universities of Pisa and Naples l’Orientale. Her scholarly work includes essays, monographs, and translations on 20th century and contemporary poetry, aspects of the Goethezeit and Romanticism, the history of translation and poetics, as well as poetics of space and nature.

Her publications include the monographs: Celan and Valéry. Poesia: traduzione di una distanza (1997), Vita a fronte. Saggio su Paul Celan (2005), La terra del morso. L’Italia ctonia di Ingeborg Bachmann (2012), Ricercar per verba. Paul Celan e la musica della materia (2022). She is the editor of: Il demone a vela. Traduzione e riscrittura tra didattica e ricerca (2006), Dello scrivere e del tradurre (2007, with Valentina Di Rosa and Giovanni La Guardia), L’opera e la vita. Paul Celan e gli studi comparatistici (2008, with Irene Fantappiè), Paul Celan in Italia. Un percorso tra ricerca, arti e media (2015, with Diletta D’Eredità and Francesca Zimarri), East Frontiers. New Cultural Identities in Central and Eastern Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall (2021, with Gabriele Guerra and Daniela Padularosa). She has edited volumes in translation by Clemens Brentano (2008), Ulrike Draesner (2010), Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (2015), Hans Magnus Enzensberger (1996), Peter Waterhouse (1998, 2009, 2021).

She coordinated the EACEA project 2007-2013 “Europe as a Space of Translation” and is currently coordinating a PRIN 2022 Research Project of the Italian Ministry of Research, “A Physical Geography of German Literature” (2023-2025).
She has received the Ladislao Mittner Prize for German Studies and is a member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Francesco Fiorentino is Professor of German Literature at the University Roma Tre. His special fields of interest are: modern German literature (Bertolt Brecht, Heiner Müller, Peter Handke, Ernst Jünger and others), Swiss-German literature, Cultural Studies. His current research focuses on contemporary German Theatre and Geography of Literature.

Selected publications: La letteratura della Svizzera tedesca (Roma 2001); Heiner Müller. Per un teatro pieno di tempo (ed., Roma 2005); Atlante della letteratura tedesca (co-ed., Macerata 2009); Al di là del testo. Critica letteraria e studio della cultura (ed., Macerata 2011); Figure e forme della memoria culturale (ed., Macerata 2011); Brecht e i media (ed., Roma 2013); Brecht e la fotografia (co-ed., Roma 2015); Anatomia Tito Fall of Rome. Un commento shakespeariano, L’Orma, Roma 2017 (ed.); La terra sonora. Il teatro di Peter Handke (co-ed. Roma 2017); Elogio dello spettatore. Teatro, musica, cinema e arti visuali (co-ed., Roma 2019); Peter Handke, Insulti al pubblico e altre pièce vocali, Quolibet, Macerata 2020 (ed.); Theaterbegriffe, «Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik», Band 8 (co-ed., 2022).

Amelia Valtolina is Professor of Modern German Literature at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Dipartimento di Lettere, Filosofia, Comunicazione), where she founded SINALEFE, the “Seminario Internazionale Permanente di Ricerca sulla Poesia Contemporanea” with Alessandro Baldacci (Warsaw University) and Camilla Miglio (Università Roma Sapienza). Her research focuses on: criticism of the poetic instances of nature poetry, contemporary German-language poetry and its constellations, the relationship between philosophy and poetry, image and word.

Book publications (selection): In absentia. Zur Poetik der Latenz in Rainer Maria Rilkes Dichtkunst, Stauffenburg Verlag, Tübingen, 2021; Bäume lesen. Europäische ökologische Lyrik seit den 1970er Jahren (ed. with Michael Braun), Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2021; Nature in Transition: European Poetry after 1945, «Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik», 4, 2021(ed. with Michael Braun, Henrieke Stahl); Yoko Tawada, Dove comincia l’Europa e altri scritti, Mimesis, Milano/Udine, 2021 (ed. with Lucia Perrone Capano); GegenWorte - GegenSpiele. Zu einer Widerstandsästhetik in Literatur und Theater der Gegenwart (ed. with Emmanuel Béhague, Hanna Klessinger), transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2018; Ah la terra lontana… Gottfried Benn in Italia (ed. with Luca Zenobi), Pacini, Pisa, 2018; Il sogno della forma. Un’idea tedesca nel Novecento di Gottfried Benn, Quodlibet (collana di Critica e Estetica), Roma, 2016; Parole con figura, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2010; Bleu. Métamorphose d’une couleur dans la poésie allemande moderne, Galilée, Paris, 2006.

Translation and critical editions of works by Gottfred Benn; translation of essays and works by Walter Benjamin, Theodor Fontane, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Alexander Lernet-Holenia and others.

Stefania Acciaioli is Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in German Literature at the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies of Sapienza University of Rome. She is also Lecturer for German and Comparative Literatures at the University of Bonn and for Italian at the University of Cologne. She earned her joint PhD at the partner Universities of Florence and Bonn, where she carried out research as well as at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv in Marbach.

Her dissertation (Il trompe-l’œil letterario, ovvero il sorriso ironico nell’opera di Wilhelm Hauff) focused on a reinterpretation of Wilhelm Hauff’s entire work through the red thread of irony and was awarded the Premio FUP Tesi di Dottorato. She has lectured at numerous international conferences, also outside Europe. She has been Erasmus Visiting Lecturer and Researcher abroad and she collaborates with the University of Florence. She is a member of various scientific associations and of the editorial board of BSFM (Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna, FUP – Firenze University Press) as well as of TransAustria (ETS). Her current research projects focus on Austrian authoresses (Marlen Haushofer, Ingeborg Bachmann, Elfriede Jelinek) as well as on natural-cultural memory in authoresses from the Bukovina (Rose Ausländer, Selma Merbaum, Ilana Shmueli).

She has published the first Italian monography on W. Hauff and a monography on the fantastic uncanny in Hoffmann and Beckford, as well as articles on European Romanticism, the art fairy tale, travel literature, the relationship between literature and the visual arts, Franz Werfel and Ingeborg Bachmann.

Elena Agazzi is Full Professor of German Literature at the University of Bergamo. Member of the Curatorium of the Italian-German Center “Villa Vigoni” (2010-2017) and Humboldt-Fellow since 1996, she represents Italy in the Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (2010-2025). She is member of the scientific committee of the reviews Comparatio/Germanistik/ Gegenwartsliteratur/Monatshefte/Arbitrium. Research field: Enlightenment-Studies/ classical-romantic and contemporary German literature. Among her publications: with Erhard Schütz, Heimkehr: Eine zentrale Kategorie der Nachkriegszeit (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2010), with Amelia Valtolina (Hg.), Der späte Benn (Winter, Heidelberg 2012), W.G. Sebald: in difesa dell’uomo (Le Lettere, Florence 2012), with Erhard Schütz, Nachkriegskultur: Literatur Sachbuch und Film in Deutschland 1945-1962 (De Gruyter, Berlin 2013) and the Italian edition of the Complete Works of W.H. Wackenroder, (Bompiani, Milan 2014) and of Herder’s Essays (1765-1787) (Bompiani, Milan 2023). She published in Italy with Guglielmo Gabbiadini Storia della letteratura tedesca dal Tardo Illuminismo all'età delle Avanguardie (Einaudi, Turin 2024).

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Flavia Di Battista is Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in German Literature at the University Roma Tre. She earned her PhD in Comparative Studies at the University Roma Tor Vergata in 2020, and she later held post-doctoral positions at the University of Pavia and at the Italian Institute for German Studies. Her main research interests lie in the fields of Translation Studies and of German literature, ranging from late 18th century to 20th century, especially in its interactions with Italian literature. In the framework of the project "A physical geography of German literature", she is a member of the unit investigating the literary representations of the Danube and its tributaries. Her monograph is titled Tradurre è come scrivere. Leone Traverso e Hugo von Hofmannsthal (Quodlibet, 2023).

Stefania De Lucia


Stefania De Lucia worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Sapienza University in Rome for the project «History and Digital Maps of German Literature in Italy in the 20th Century: Publishing, Field Structure, Interference». In addition to her teaching activity in the field of German Language and Literature in different universities, during the past years she was also a temporary research Fellow at the University of Salerno and at the University of Naples L'Orientale,  where she held her PhD in Comparative Literature in co-tutorship with the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg i. Breisgau.

Her main research interests lie in the fields of exile and intercultural literature. She has researched about the phenomena of Austrian Orientalism, about Central Europe literature and in the fields of Translation Studies, in particular in the intersection between German and Italian literature.

Mariaenrica Giannuzzi


Maria Diletta Giordano


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Giulia Paloschi is a PhD student in Transcultural Studies in Humanities at the University of Bergamo. Her current research project focuses on the dynamics of resilience and contamination that characterise both wetland landscapes and the biodiversity inherent in the poetic verses of some contemporary European poets, with particular attention to the production of Andrea Zanzotto and Alice Oswald.
Her research interests include contemporary European poetry; Environmental Studies, Ecocriticism and Ecopoetry; the relationship between poetry, punctuation and the typographical space, as well as between poetry, aesthetic theory and philosophy of language.

Serena Sapienza graduated in 2019 in "Languages, Cultures, Literatures, Translation" (German and English) from "Sapienza" University of Rome with a thesis in Italian linguistics, whose focus laid on the relationship between dialect and regional Italian in Sicily from a synchronic perspective. From the same university, she earned her Master degree in "Linguistic, Literary, and Translation Studies" in 2022. Her dissertation, entitled A reading of domestic space: Haus and Wohnen in Paul Celan, investigated spatial expressions within the biographical experiences and the poetic production of the German-speaking poet Paul Celan. Currently, she is a PhD student in "Germanic and Slavic Studies" (PNRR, DM 351) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and at Karlova Univerzita in Prague with a project that combines the study of spatial perception with artistic-literary representations to develop innovative digital tools and multilayered maps, embedded in close and distant reading techniques, and accessible online.